We still don’t know what the “new normal” will look like once all is said and done with the Covid19 crisis. As data continues to change and governments adapt, we still find much of the lives we had built out of reach. One group this most directly impacts is the families with disabled children. Children receiving special education services make up approximately 13.7% of the San Diego County public school system. (69,497 students in 2018) With the school closures, it has become a near impossibility to fulfill a child’s Individualized Education Program using just online and distance tools.
Christin, a San Diego mother of a child with autism said, “It’s been chaos since we lost school and therapy.” The change in routine and loss of resources has come with a huge cost. Routine and consistency is vital for persons with learning disabilities. Equipping becomes the Band-Aid available to patch the chasm while the world continues to heal.

The Special Needs Resource Foundation of San Diego has published a list of home learning resources for parents and guardians of kids with disabilities here. Additional resources for those on the autism spectrum include the Autism Society San Diego and nationally, the National Autism Resources.
San Diego families are the foundation of our vibrant community. We’ll weather this storm together. #InThisTogetherSanDiego
By Steven J.
Reviewed by: Heather Hemming